Gamer Settings

Even an eSports player

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Optimize your Windows 10 machine, even for eSports (2023)

Above all, it's good to know that you should entrust these things to a competent person, especially if you don't understand them!

The first step is to make a backup of your things.

If you are ready with that, then let's get into it.

1. Enable Game Mode

Open the Start menu and start typing the following: game mode settings, in the window that pops up here, drag the slider to the right.

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2. Disable the SuperFetch service

To do this, open the start menu and type: services

In the window that pops up here, find the line SysMain and disable the service.


3. Disable preloading

To disable preloading, open the start menu and type: regedit, in the pop-up window paste the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters and Set EnablePrefetcher to 0.

4. Turn off applications running in the background

Open the start menu and type: applications running in the background and in the window that pops up here, move the slider to the left

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5. Optimize the energy supply

To do this, open the start menu and type: Energy management and sleep settings, on the right side of the window that opens, click on Additional power settings and select Performance-centric option.

6. Turn off the Nagle algorithm

Start a PowerShell type: ipconfig and find your IP address.

Open Regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces click through the folders and find the one where DhcpIPAddress is your IP address.

If you found the folder, right-click and create a new Double Word value with the following name: TcpAckFrequency and set its value to 1. Repeat the procedure and add a new Double Word value and name it: TCPNoDelay and set its value to 1

Restart the machine